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The monumental complex of Santa Chiara

In the heart of the historic center of Naples, parallel to the road that leads to the famous San Biagio dei Librai, stands the monumental complex of Santa Chiara. Built in the XIV century at the behest of Robert of Anjou and his wife Sancia of Majorca. The Franciscan complex has two convents: one built for the Franciscan friars, the other for the Poor Clares. The church has a Gothic-Baroque style, also due to the works made in 1700 by the architect Vaccaro. During the Second World War the church was almost entirely destroyed by aerial bombardment. For this reason it was rebuilt and restored in the original Gothic style. Among the most significant transformations over time, there is certainly the one that has created the same Vaccaro, going to create two avenues that crossing each other have divided the garden into four sectors. These sectors are flanked by pillars covered with majolica and seventeenth-century walls depicting saints and figures of the Old Testament. Finally inside the structure you can admire the museum containing many treasures escaped from the bombings of 1943 and a traditional crib with shepherds of past centuries.

Where is: Via Santa Chiara, 49/C

Hours 9:30/17:30

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